The Educational Packages we offer:
Consultancy to create a movement program specific to your centre’s student needs, environment and learning outcomes. (Term based - 5 fortnightly sessions or 10 weekly sessions)
A written lesson plan with video links for your movement sessions
If requested - an experienced educator to run an EXAMPLE movement session in your centre (1-3 sessions can be booked)
Professional Development opportunities for your Centre
Equipment can be leased or purchased for the sessions and delivered right to your door!
Free resources – created by experienced Primary and Early Years Physical Education Teachers
What is Included in our movement sessions:
VEYLFD/ACARA frameworks alignment
Written and videos explainers appropriate for children and educators
Social and emotional connections to movement - for conversation starters
Fundamental motor skills links
A learning intentions and success criteria for educator reference
How to maximise the use of your space
What’s in the box? What equipment do YOU receive?
25 hoops
25 flat cones
25 tall cones
25 versatile balls
40 tennis balls
25 beanbags
25 scarves
25 noodles
Set of tags
25 flat dots/markers
We make sure you have enough equipment for each child to have their own - this encourages exploration and play!
If you are local, we will drop equipment off at your door ready for your session!
Are you keen to see how the K-MOVE team teach?
Why not book a 1x30 minute session including an experienced educator, equipment and a lesson plan (to keep for your reference).
What can you learn from our experienced staff?
Engaging students
Redirecting on task
Social interactions
FMS links to movement
Language use
Appropriate equipment for age and skill
Timeframes for activities
How to maximise the space you have
Keen for your staff to be more active in their teaching - book us to come in and run a K-MOVE Professional Development session!
Yoga for Kinder
Creating an ACTIVE classroom
How to maximise your space?
FMS and what are they?
High Energy activities for high energy students
and more…
Are you looking to create consistent movement in your Centre?
Why not book a 5x30 or 10x30 minute sessions including equipment (weekly drop offs) and lesson plans (to keep for future reference). This will have you covered for a Term of K-MOVE movement!
Are you looking to hold a Sport/Movement day for your Kindergarten or Early Learning Centre?
K-MOVE can help you!
We can come into your Centre and support you to run your event (equipment included).
Mini Athletics
Mini Lap-a-thon
Activities day for Parent/student
Family Yoga Day
All of our K-MOVE sessions are specially created for YOUR Kindergarten or Early Learning Centre!
By taking into consideration your:
Current classroom learnings (turning classroom learning into movement learning)
Environment (playground/indoor space) let’s maximise your space!
Learning needs (requirements for your students)
The lessons plans you receive will be yours to keep and continue to use within your centre.